Thursday, April 2, 2020

Huntington Tutoring in Suffern New York - How to Improve Your Childs Life Through Success

Huntington Tutoring in Suffern New York - How to Improve Your Child's Life Through SuccessHuntington Tutoring in Suffern New York provides the perfect opportunity for parents to enroll their child in one of the most respected and sought after tutoring centers in the state. This program also has a wonderful reputation for giving great results to students that work hard enough to get good grades.This program is unique because it offers a classroom environment that is completely computer based. These sessions allow students to have everything on their computer including books, computer, homework help. Students can even complete assignments online and send them off for grading on their own schedule.Teachers are employed by the tutoring center, so you will not be teaching in the classroom. You will be working with the instructors in a structured way to achieve academic success. Your students will have access to all the resources that they need to succeed.Classes are held every week, and m any students attend multiple sessions per week. Some of the most popular classes include mathematics, language arts, technology, psychology, sociology, and chemistry. A professor will assign a group of students each week to study a certain subject.Typically, there are an average school year of only a few months and this makes scheduling classes fairly easy. Students are also encouraged to participate in weekly mentoring groups so that they can share ideas and experience.Tutoring in Huntington New York is a two way process. Students will be learning in a controlled environment and you will be able to help them succeed. Students are provided with extra tutoring and help to learn more about the subject they are studying and take advantage of the extensive free online resources available.We all know that many adults go through a lot of changes in their adult life. And sometimes, these changes may be uncomfortable and difficult for some people. Sometimes, these changes may be overcome wi th the right support.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Valence Electrons

Valence Electrons Valence Electrons Chemistry is a study of different atoms, an atom is the smallest particle in matter. An atom consists of three major subatomic particles, which are electrons, neutrons and protons. The protons are the positively charged particles. The neutrons are the neutral particles. The electrons are the negatively charged particles. The neutrons and protons are located inside the nucleus of the atom. An atom has nucleus in the center, around the nucleus are electrons arranged in various orbits depending on the atomic number. Valence electrons definition: Every atom has a unique atomic number. The number of electrons an atom has is equal to the atomic number of the atom. Initially the atom fills electrons in the inner most orbit and then the outer orbits. Theses electrons are arranged in orbits around the nucleus. The electrons that are present in the outermost shell of the atom are called as the valence electrons. Identifying the number of valence electrons for each atom is a very useful concept which can be applied in chemical bonding and many other chemistry topics. The following is a table to understand the number of valence electrons the atoms in the periodic table have: Periodic Table Group Number of valence electrons The Alkali metals (Group I) 1 The Alkaline earth metals (Group II) 2 The transition metals (Group 3 to 12) 3-12 Group III 3 Group IV 4 Group V 5 Group VI 6 The Halogens 7 Noble Gases Group (VIII) 8 Writing Electronic Configuration for finding the valence electrons: The electronic configuration of an atom can be written according its atomic number. The number of electrons of an atom are arranged in sub energy levels at the ground state of the atoms. The electronic configuration of an atom starts by filling the lower sub energy levels. Given below is the chart that helps to identify how the electrons are filled and the order in which the electronic configuration is written: So the order in which the electrons are filling is 1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, 4s, 3d, 4p, 5s, 4d, 5p, 6s, 4f, 5d, 6p, 7s and so on. Valence electrons of few atoms: The following are examples of finding the number of valence shell electrons using the electronic configuration of the given atom. Valence electrons of Hydrogen: The atomic number of Hydrogen is 1. The electronic configuration for Hydrogen is 1s1. The number of valence electrons is 1. Since the 1s shell is the outermost shell it has only one electron in it. The orbits for the Hydrogen atom looks like this: Valence electrons of Helium: The atomic number of Helium is 2. The electronic configuration for Helium He is 1s2. The number of valence electrons is 2. The number of electrons it has is 2. The diagram for the Helium atom looks like this: Valence electrons of Lithium: The atomic number of Lithium is 3. The electronic configuration for Lithium Li is 1s2, 2s1. The outermost shell of Lithium is 2s. The number of valence electrons is has 1. The diagram for the Helium atom looks like this: Valence electrons of Beryllium: The atomic number of Beryllium is 4. The electronic configuration for Beryllium Be is 1s2, 2s2. The outermost shell of Beryllium is 2s. The number of valence electrons is has 2. The diagram for the Beryllium atom looks like this: Valence electrons of Boron: The atomic number of Boron is 5. The electronic configuration for Boron B is 1s2, 2s2, 2p1. The outermost shell of Boron is n = 2. The total number of valence electrons it has is 3. The diagram for the Boron atom looks like this: Valence electrons of Carbon: The atomic number of Carbon is 6. The electronic configuration for Carbon C is 1s2, 2s2, 2p2. The outermost shell of Carbon is n = 2. The total number of valence electrons it has is 4. The diagram for the Carbon atom looks like this: Valence electrons of Nitrogen: The atomic number of Nitrogen is 7. The electronic configuration for Nitrogen is N 1s2, 2s2, 2p3. The outermost shell of Nitrogen N is n = 2. The total number of valence electrons it has is 5. The diagram for the Nitrogen atom looks like this: Valence electrons of Oxygen: The atomic number of Oxygen is 8. The electronic configuration for Oxygen O is 1s2, 2s2, 2p4. The outermost shell of Oxygen is n = 2. The total number of valence electrons it has is 6. The diagram for the Oxygen atom looks like this: Valence electrons of Fluorine: The atomic number of Fluorine is 9. The electronic configuration for Fluorine F is 1s2, 2s2, 2p5. The outermost shell of Fluorine is n = 2. The total number of valence electrons it has is 7. The diagram for the Fluorine atom looks like this: Valence electrons of Neon: The atomic number of Neon is 10. The electronic configuration for Neon Ne is 1s2, 2s2, 2p6. The outermost shell of Neon is n = 2. The total number of valence electrons it has is 8. The orbits of Neon atom looks like this: Valence electrons of Sodium: The atomic number of Sodium is 11. The electronic configuration for Sodium Na is 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s1. The outermost shell of Sodium Na is n = 3. The total number of valence electrons it has is 1. The orbits of Sodium atom looks like this: Valence electrons of Magnesium: The atomic number of Magnesium is 12. The electronic configuration for Magnesium Mg is 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2. The outermost shell of Magnesium Mg is n = 3. The total number of valence electrons it has is 2. The orbits of Magnesium atom looks like this: Valence electrons of Aluminum: The atomic number of Aluminum is 13. The electronic configuration for Aluminum Al is 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p1. The outermost shell of Aluminum Al is n = 3. The total number of valence electrons it has is 3. The orbits of Aluminum atom looks like this: Shown above are the valence electrons for atoms with atomic number 1 to 13. The same concept applies for finding the valence electrons of all the atoms in the periodic table.

Friday, March 6, 2020

How to Get the Best Homework Help

How to Get the Best Homework Help 0SHARESShare Does your kid not like doing homework? Well, that’s normal, right? Does your kid make mistakes in his homework? Normal again! But, do you see nothing but only red pen-marks in your kid’s homework? If yes, that is not normal. These are the signs, which indicate that your child needs a good homework help. Why homework help from Tutor Pace is splendid? Tutor Pace provides excellent homework help online, which touches every tangent of your child’s learning curve in the most productive manner. We provide exuberant benefits through our homework help for kids services. Our certified teachers help students from all grades in their regular assignments, test-preparation, and academic projects. Why get the best homework help for kids? Tutor Pace gets the best homework help for your kids. Our tutors help your kids in the most friendly and pleasing manner. In addition, kids learn from a highly-interactive whiteboard that lets them work on their homework in real time. Since kids get personalized sessions from our experts, they can ask every doubt many times. We record each session, so that kids can go back and recall any concept or problem that they have forgotten from their session. Hurry! Get homework help online for your kids from Tutor Pace today and wipe out all the red pen-marks permanently from your child’s homework. Get Homework Help Online Now [starbox id=admin]

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Top 50 Intermediate Guitar Songs Everyone Should Know

Top 50 Intermediate Guitar Songs Everyone Should Know Jessica Dais The topic of intermediate guitar songs and solos is a tricky one, because it means different things to different people. Some players learn certain techniques faster than others, and what is advanced to some is borderline-beginner to others. Nevertheless, songs like “Blackbird” by Paul McCartney, “Can’t Stop” by the Red Hot Chili Peppers, and “Voodoo Child” by Jimi Hendrix are popular, time-honored classics that you probably won’t learn as a brand new guitarist. Top 50 Intermediate Guitar Songs This article will cover acoustic and electric intermediate guitar songs, as well as intermediate guitar solos. Each of these pieces focuses on different styles and techniques. The main thing to remember as you attempt these songs is that they are meant to stretch you. You may listen to some and think they’re impossible, but moving into the intermediate guitar world means facing up to the universal feeling of “impossibility” when it comes to new techniques. Remember that everyone feels that way at some point, so keep practicing even when you feel like giving up! Acoustic Intermediate Guitar Songs 1. Space Oddity David Bowie (Tabs) Bowie used several special techniques in this acoustic hit. Pay attention to the  left-hand chord voicings used throughout the song. 2. Thinking Out Loud Ed Sheeran (Tabs) This song is a popular choice for weddings, and a little trickier for most beginners. While practicing, focus on capturing a soulful feeling at a slow tempo. 3. Blackbird Paul McCartney (Tabs) This is probably the most popular fingerpicking song. There are a few ways to play this one, but the classically influenced guitar lines will challenge you to think outside of your box a bit. 4. Neon John Mayer (Tabs) Some would put this in the advanced category, but it’s actually fairly repetitive and very accessible if you know how to slow down. 5. Babe I’m Gonna Leave You Led Zeppelin (Tabs) This might feel like a beginner song once you get the first phrase out, but to play the whole song soulfully takes some precision and passion! 6. Heart of Life John Mayer (Tabs) A more advanced pluck-and-chuck song, this is a really good way to get into flicking melodies out. 7. Stop This Train John Mayer (Tabs) This song challenges you to combine a melody, bass line, and inner voice into a pluck and chuck pattern. 8. Details in the Fabric Jason Mraz (Tabs) This intermediate guitar song uses a fairly intricate strumming pattern that will challenge your ability to hold syncopation! 9. Country Roads John Denver (Tabs) Country Roads is great song to learn basic four stroke thumbpicking. Focus on the guitar part in the first verse of the original version. 10. I Will Follow You Into the Dark Deathcab for Cutie (Tabs) This song mixes alternating bass and thumb slaps with flicks into a fairly easy pattern. 11. Crash Into Me Dave Matthews (Tabs) “Crash Into Me” builds an interesting two part guitar texture where you bang out a nice bass line while strumming chords on the treble strings excellent for developing rest strokes! 12. Leaves That Are Green Paul Simon (Tabs) This is a classic thumb-picking song that’s sure to present a challenge to any new, intermediate student. 13. Alice’s Restaurant Arlo Guthrie (Tabs) This legendary folk song is just a 16 bar pattern that repeats. See if you can carry on a conversation while pedaling this pattern! 14. The Boxer Paul Simon (Tabs) Another legendary thumb-picking song that mixes four stroke patterns with moving chords and walking bass lines. 15. Operator Jim Croce (Tabs) “Operator” is a beautiful fingerpicking song that uses some different rhythmic patterns worth learning! 16. The Rain Song Led Zeppelin (Tabs) The alternate tuning in this song will get you thinking about the guitar in a new way. It opens up a lot of possibilities while challenging you to break your typical patterns. Intermediate Electric Guitar Songs 1. Can’t Stop Red Hot Chili Peppers (Tabs) Especially suited for mastering the “rock muting” techniques (where you almost strum while muting all but one note), this song is a must for electric guitarists! 2. Under the Bridge The Red Hot Chili Peppers (Tabs) “Under the Bridge” mixes several techniques and has a number of different sections that take some thought for intermediate guitarists to master. 3. Layla Eric Clapton (Tabs) Some of the rhythm and lead parts in “Layla” aren’t complex, but capturing the anguished sound is at the essence of this song’s challenges. 4. Slow Dancing In a Burning Room John Mayer (Tabs) This is another song that integrates several different techniques into one line and needs to be executed soulfully to be convincing. 5. Wild Side Motley Crue (Tabs) “Wild Side” is not as difficult as it sounds. The riff is a great introduction to playing fast without being too challenging. 6. Black Dog Led Zeppelin (Tabs) The notes in this song are challenging enough, but the timing really throws a lot of players off the horse. Challenge yourself to play this along with the record or even better a band! 7. Pride and Joy Stevie Ray Vaughan (Tabs) On paper it’s not complicated, but the nuances of muting the strings properly to play this song are quite challenging. You may consider getting help from a guitar teacher to master this one! 8. Never There Cake (Tabs) This is one of those intermediate guitar songs that is a surprise challenge. The song has some fast notes with string skips that are quite difficult to perfect.   9. Wish You Were Here Incubus (Tabs) The secret to Incubus’ magic is not so much in the notes but in Michael Einziger’s shoegaze guitar sounds. See if you can get the tone and effects down. 10. Enter Sandman Metallica (Tabs) If you want to learn what metal guitar is supposed to sound like, this is an excellent place to start! 11. Thunderstruck AC/DC (Tabs) Some would call this song advanced, but the shortness and repetitiveness of this riff make it a really good study piece for hammer-ons and pull-offs. 12. Back in Black AC/DC (Tabs) If the last AC/DC song you tried kicked your butt, give this one a try for a more moderate challenge that satisfies the same itch. 13. Uptown Funk Bruno Mars (Tabs) Lots of Bruno Mars songs have worthy funk guitar parts, and “Treasure” is just one great choice. Getting used to the syncopation and articulation are the keys to success here. 14. Brick House The Commodores (Tabs) This song often gets called for covers, so if you’re in a band it’s best to start learning it now! 15. You Got Another Thing Coming Judas Priest (Tabs) Just playing the notes isn’t too difficult, but synchronizing with a rhythm section in a rock band is very telling of your ability to make this song work. Intermediate Guitar Solos Something Beatles (Tabs) Hotel California Eagles (Tabs) Johnny B Goode Chuck Berry (Tabs) All Along the Watchtower Jimi Hendrix (Tabs) Tamacun Rodrigo y Gabriela (Tabs) Voodoo Child Jimi Hendrix (Tabs) Sympathy for the Devil The Rolling Stones (Tabs) Stairway to Heaven Led Zeppelin (Tabs) Purple Haze Jimi Hendrix (Tabs) Comfortably Numb Pink Floyd (Tabs) One of These Nights Eagles (Tabs) Belief John Mayer (Tabs) Crazy Train Ozzy Osbourne (Tabs) One (Intro) Metallica (Tabs) Heat Wave Linda Ronstadt (Tabs) La Grange ZZ Top (Tabs) Mud on the Tires Brad Paisley (Tabs) My Sharona The Knack (Tabs) Spooky Atlanta Rhythm Section (Tabs) Black Magic Woman Carlos Santana (Tabs) Each of these intermediate guitar songs and solos made the list because of their popularity and influence. Remember that these songs are likely to present some unexpected challenges. If you want to brush up on your skills, try an online guitar class to get the help you need! Post Author: Jonathan B. Jonathan B. teaches acoustic guitar, bass, and more in State College, PA. Jonathan is a Temple University, Music Theory graduate and YouTube celebrity with thousands of subscribers.  Learn more about Jonathan here! Need Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

Standard Distribution - Online Math Tutoring

Standard Distribution - Online Math Tutoring Standard distribution is an extremely important distribution. It is also known as normal distribution. Standard distribution and its associated probabilities are an integral part of statistical process control. When large enough sample sizes are taken, many statistics are normally distributed regardless of the shape of underlying distribution from which they are drawn. We represent a standard distribution by a normal curve. Standard distribution exhibits the following characteristics. It is continuous. It is symmetrical distribution about its mean. It is asymptotic to the horizontal axis. It is unimodal. It is a family of the curve. Area under the curve is 1. All mean, median and mode lie at the same position. The standard distribution is symmetrical. Each half of the distribution is a mirror image of the other half. Many normal distribution tables contain probability values for only one side of the distribution because probability values for the other side of the distribution are identical because of symmetry. In theory, the normal distribution is asymptotic to the horizontal axis. That is, it does not touch the x axis, and it goes forever in each direction. The reality is that most applications of the normal curve are experiments that have finite limits potential outcomes. For example, even though SAT scores are analyzed by standard distribution, the range of the scores on each part of the SAT is only 200 to 800. Other example could be the life insurance, height or weight of a person, rent of a house.

A Santa-Approved Voice Exercise

A Santa-Approved Voice Exercise Suzy S. Gifts?   Check.   Eggnog?   Check.   If youve completed your to-do list, its time to sit back and take a deep breath.   Youve made it Christmas is just around the corner, and its time to celebrate (and relax!) with family and friends.   From all of us here at TakeLessons, we hope youre enjoying the holiday season and making the most of it! One of our favorite parts of the season is all of the holiday music, and sharing that gift of music with others.   And of course if youre heading out caroling this weekend, make sure to warm up your voice, as with any practice session or performance.   Heres a simple voice exercise sure to get you on Santas Nice list, courtesy of You have probably heard many times that singing is all about breath support and airflow. And you may think youre singing with good breath support and airflow.  But if youre getting tension in your neck and are unable to sing past a certain ceiling without flipping into the next higher register, you probably still have some work to do with breath.  Lets get down to the basics for a moment. Put your hand on your belly. Spread your fingers wide so that you cover as much vertical area as possible. Now, say Ho! Ho! Ho! in a percussive way. Dont worry about hitting any particular pitch.  Just focus on feeling your stomach muscles actually act, and expel air with each syllable.  Your throat is simply a passage the air goes through.  Let the air pass through without trying to grip it or control it with your throat muscles. Your belly should go in, not out, with each syllable. This is completely natural for some people, but not for everyone.  Just check to make sure.  (If youre pushing your belly out with each syllable, how in the world are you pushing air up and out through your throat as well? Think about it) Once you are doing Ho! Ho! Ho! correctly, then do a variation:  Ho! Ho! Hooooo Hold out that last syllable for a second or two, making sure that you are still supporting your breath from your belly and not moving the compression and effort up into your throat just because you are now singing a sustained note. How did the voice exercise go for you?     What other tips would you add?   Leave a comment below! Like these posts?   Sign up to receive daily updates right to your inbox!   Click here to subscribe. You might also like Using Scales to Improve Your Vocal Range and More Can Yoga Help You Sing Better? Fine-Tune the Way You Learn Music Image courtesy of

Find the Perfect Personal Trainer on Superprof

Find the Perfect Personal Trainer on Superprof Discover your Personal Fitness Instructor for Sports Coaching With Superprof ChaptersHow to Find the Certified Personal Trainer that Would Work Best with You?Participate in Group Sessions for a Lower PriceWork Out at Home with Your Personal TrainerEmbracing the Great OutdoorsNothing Like a Bespoke Fitness Regimen Coupled with Sound NutritionYou have good reason to choose Superprof for your fitness education.Used to be, only megastars â€" or superstar hopefuls would seek the services of a personal fitness trainer.These days, with the cost per hour of training so low, a personal fitness programme is in reach  for just about every budget.Over time, personal trainers have diversified their market to include anyone passionate about sports, anyone who wants to train for a specific discipline and all who wish to focus on their health and wellness.The fitness industry is booming in the UK!There is no telling how far the current fitness wave will reach, considering that more people discover the benefits of working out every day.Testimony from those who have already  a chieved their fitness goals, working one on one with a physical training expert far outweigh those from athletes who work out alone or in small groups, in the gym.Said revelations show that health and fitness workouts done at home with a certified trainer are more effective than sweating it out, hour after hour, in a health club.It is time for you to get on with strength training and conditioning!Check out these popular fitness classes near me on Superprof.How to find your ideal personal trainer? Source: Pixabay Credit: Tomas DelgadoWorking Time Directive specifies the maximum number of hours a person may work per week.Closer to reality: the average worker spends a little more than forty-two hours on the clock each week. That means the median work schedule for workers in the UK is a bit more than eight hours per day.We should add commuting time: around forty-five minutes, one way.Our modern society puts a lot of demands on our time:family commitmentstime with friendsentertainment †" other than sports pursuitsgoing out â€" dancing, movies, concerts, etc.sleepThat last just might be the most important on that list!With the busy lives we lead, it is understandably hard to find motivation or time for regular workout sessions.Sometimes we even skip that weekly run or our Pilates class at the gym.How about this idea?Declare yourself done with procrastination: log on to Superprof!Establishing a fitness program with a personal trainer london forces you to adhere to the fitness commitment you made to yourself, while respecting your otherwise crowded schedule.Even if you are exceedingly busy, you can still consult with a fitness professional for advice on how best to manage your health and fitness goals, squeezing in a few exercises amidst your your other pressing obligations.During the initial meeting with your certified fitness instructor, you would outline your expectations and objectives, and learn exactly what benefits you will derive from the arrangement.Take Rob bie, for example. He offers his initial session for free, as do most other physical trainers on our site.Not only does he coach via webcam, but offers his personal phone number for support and counsel, to keep you motivated. He will even give instruction via text message on the best way to tone up or gain muscle mass.With Robbie â€" or most any other Superprof fitness professional, you could:request short-term workouts prior to going on holiday, so you don't exceed your bathing suitplot intensive sessions to prepare for competitiondiscuss an ongoing mentor relationship to gain muscle mass and improve your overall fitnessselect an exciting aerobic programme for enduring weight lossOur Hayley is a Level 3 certified personal trainer. She will work with you, not only in the gym but also if you are taking courses for your personal trainer certification.She is just as proficient in the gym, designing bespoke regimens for:weight loss and toning (discover why losing weight is best done with a personal trainer)bodybuildingtargeted workouts â€" cardio, strength training, titanium abs and the likeexercise programmes for special populationssenior fitness, youth fitness, people with reduced mobility, postpartum fitnessEngaging a personal fitness guru means you are getting fit while following the constraints of your budget: the average hourly cost of personal training is only about £20.Now that you have a proposed training regimen in mind, you can figure its associated cost into your monthly spending.Working out with mates is motivating and cost-effective! Source: Pixabay Credit: Uptown FitnessParticipate in Group Sessions for a Lower PriceIn spite of your admirable motivation to get fit, we acknowledge: working out alone can be boring.Besides, for some, all it takes are a few rain drops or a breath of cold air to demoralise and demotivate.By contrast, were there several of you  to workout out together, even a passing fatigue could be overcome by the joy of fellowship, kee ping your motivation motor in high gear.Even without a coach to guide your efforts.If that is the case, imagine how well you would stay on track with a group sports leader!Rather than hog all of the good your workouts bring, why not share the bounty with your friends?Invite them over to participate in your Superprof-coached sessions for these benefits:build greater camaraderielaunch harmless bets â€" dare each other to work harder, attain goals fasterenjoy lower rates per sessionGroup fitness instruction or individual sessions: any fitness trainer will tell you that they take approximately the same amount of time.For you and your workout partners, however, there is a significant difference between the two.Thomas commands: £30 per individual session £50 for two trainees ( £25 per person) £70 for a group of three (just over £23 per person)See? You can dispense with the 'a personal trainer costs too much' argument.You only need a few of your besties who are like-minded on losing weigh t and sculpting their body; gaining flexibility or simply lowering stress levels brought on by everyday life.We are willing to bet that few in your circle would refuse such an opportunity.Find out why you should work your abs with a fitness master!It is always more fun to work out with mates than alone! So, if you are willing to split the cost to benefit individually, you will have someone to commiserate with as well as revel in the glories of sport.If you don't live in London â€" where many a great sports instructor has opened a personal training business, you can still find the personal trainer you need to meet your fitness objectives.Meet David, a graduate of Loughborough's University in Sport Science. He teaches strength training for improved sports performance. He is based in Brinklow but gives lessons by webcam at a reduced price. CalumDrama School Entrance Teacher 5.00 (15) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ToriSpanish Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Disc over all our tutors OliviaSchool support Teacher 5.00 (2) £21/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkESOL (English) Teacher 4.76 (17) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors YuweiChinese Teacher 4.33 (6) £19/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JenniferMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LouiseAutoCAD Teacher 5.00 (3) £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RickyPercussion Teacher 5.00 (7) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NicolasGuitar Teacher 5.00 (2) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MyriamOrganic chemistry Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JonathanEconomics Teacher 5.00 (9) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Oluwakemi imoleMaths Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AlexPhysics Teacher 5.00 (1) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AdamSinging Teacher 5.00 (14) £48/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ValentiniMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (2) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MilenaMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RashmiEconomics Teacher 5.00 (1) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsWork Out at Home with Your Personal TrainerYou don't need any statistics to realise that a personal trainer is a much better listener than any elliptical or rowing machine could ever be.A strength training fitness specialist should be preferred over kettle bells or free weights, or any self-devised fitness training that, in the end, may do you more harm than good.Stationary bikes and stair steppers may well be able to indicate how many calories you've burned and your peak heart rate, but they are not yet smart enough to interpret and report on your overall physical condition.A personal trainer can take one look at your musculature and prescribe an effective training program.Your exercise physiologist is with you, every step of the way, no matter how small the slice of time you have for your physical improvement. For that, no special gym equipment is needed.Superprof trainers are masters of using what is handy to enhance your resistance training.Perhaps the greatest benefit of working out at home with your personal fitness expert is that you are safe from the multitude of prying eyes  and harsh judgment of others at the gym.Especially if you are only just starting your trek toward health and fitness.Superprof coaches are conscientious of your fitness level at all times.Kenny has a Master's degree in Physical Education and is a Level 3 certified personal trainer whose fitness career spans thirty years.His credentials permit him to train you no matter if you are at beginner, intermediate, advanced or professional level.His education credits include a diploma in sports psychology: he would be the coach to best understand the agony of physical development!If the testimony is to be believed, one hour with a personal trainer is e qual to four hours in the gym, working out by yourself.Go ahead: we challenge you to put that theory to the test!Training outdoors gives a wholesome, holistic feel to your workout Source:Pixabay Credit: YogawithAminEmbracing the Great OutdoorsPerhaps an in-home workout is not the best solution for you. Your flat may be too small, or too crowded.Moving your fitness regimen out of doors can be a real motivator, especially if the sun is shining and you have a group of mates to join you.Would you prefer outdoor training?No worries! Superprof has just the trainer for you!Thomas is a champion rower who holds the world record in the 5000m Concept II rowing machine.His profile indicates he will come to your home, meet you in the gym or fitness center of your choice, and will even go out on the water with you, to demonstrate his endurance and skill.And then, there is Carmen, who is all about the Martial Arts. Her profile indicates her willingness to travel to your home. Surely she could be p ersuaded to train with you outside!Nothing Like a Bespoke Fitness Regimen Coupled with Sound NutritionOf course, every Superprof fitness master will dispense nutritional advice to his trainee.Michal teaches at every level, from beginner to the competition arena. His goal is to help you reach your ultimate stage of fitness.Every dietitian will tell you: we have to learn how to eat well.No need for fad diets or any dramatic regimen. Eating the right foods to complement your body type and the work you put in toward becoming fit is all that is required.That is why a fitness trainer who has the knowledge of proper nutrition is necessary for your weight loss and muscle toning programme.You have good reason to choose Superprof for your fitness education.Saving money while cultivating your best self is not a luxury. Not with Superprof personal training sessions, anyway.Whether you prefer working out at home, in small groups, in a gym or outdoors, a few mouse clicks will lead you to the trai ner who will conform to your schedule, budget and, most important: your level of athleticism.Our expansive profile selection permits you to find your ideal fitness program design. Because our fitness professionals offer their first session for free, you can discuss your objectives with him.After that, you only need to let him guide you to the sculpted body you've always dreamed of.

Difference between BEFORE and AFTER Easy English Grammar

Difference between BEFORE and AFTER Easy English Grammar Hi there. Welcome to Harrys World of Words and Phrases and English in a Minute.I want to talk to you about the use of BEFORE and AFTER. I actually used this as part of a lesson with a student earlier today.And in addition with before we can say beforehand.In addition with after afterwards. Okay.So before I made this video I was giving a lesson.I prepared the video beforehand.I prepared the dinner beforehand. So in advance.After the lesson I made the video.After the dinner I washed the dishes. After the event. Okay.Afterwards I will prepare some notes.Afterwards I will do a workout.So after, afterwards, before, beforehand. Okay.So remember to subscribe to our Channel and join us on and well catch up soon.

Dinnertime Strategies Peace around the table

Dinnertime Strategies Peace around the table Having dinner together as a family is an important part of a childs development. Family dinners support healthier eating habits and provide an opportunity for kids and parents to connect and decompress after a hectic day. But in families of kids with ADHD, dinnertime can be a challenge. The impulsivity and hyperactivity that comes with ADHD can make it hard for kids to stay seated, wait patiently, and have enjoyable conversations. The good news is that with some structure and support, kids with ADHD can be successful at the table. Start with these 5 tips: Provide clear expectations. Tell your child exactly what is expected of him or her during dinner. Focus on very specific behaviors, like stay in your seat, talk without interrupting, no electronics at the table. Be realistic. If your child really struggles with a behavior, then make sure your expectations not beyond your childs reach. For example, if your child currently gets up from his or her seat four times during dinner, then he or she will likely find it very difficult to sit for the entire meal. A more reasonable expectation may be to allow him or her to get up only once or twice during dinner. Once he or she has mastered this, then you can expect him or her to work on staying seated for the entire meal. Try using a talking stick. If family members struggle to have good conversations during dinner, then try using a talking stick. The person holding the talking stick speaks while others listen and ask questions. Then the stick gets passed to the next person at the table. You may need to set some ground rules around topics that can be discussed especially if things have a tendency to become way too silly, or too tense. Pay attention to good behavior. It can be easy to accidentally give your child less attention when he or she is quiet and following the rules and more attention when he or she is misbehaving and demanding your negative attention. Youll see better behavior at the dinner table if you give your child the most attention when he or she is behaving well. He or she will be much less likely to engage in attention-seeking behavior if he or she is included in conversations and feels seen and heard at the table. Reward good behavior. When your children meet your mealtime expectations, provide them with a reward. Some of my favorite rewards include: healthy desserts, the privilege of listening to music during dinner, playing a quick game as a family at the end of the meal, or points toward a larger reward at the end of the week. Just make sure the reward is something that your child really wants, and let him or her know about the reward ahead of time. During dinner, point out good behavior and tie it to the reward, Youre doing a great job staying in your seat. If you keep this up then well be able to listen to music during dinner again tomorrow! ABOUT DR. MARY ROONEY Mary Rooney, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California San Francisco. Dr Rooney is a researcher and clinician specializing in the evaluation and treatment of ADHD and co-occurring behavioral, anxiety, and mood disorders. A strong advocate for those with attention and behavior problems, Dr. Rooney is committed to developing and providing comprehensive, cutting edge treatments tailored to meet the unique needs of each child and adolescent. Dr. Rooney's clinical interventions and research avenues emphasize working closely with parents and teachers to create supportive, structured home and school environments that enable children and adolescents to reach their full potential. In addition, Dr. Rooney serves as a consultant and ADHD expert to Huntington Learning Centers. ABOUT HUNTINGTON Huntington Learning Center is the tutoring and test prep leader. Its certified tutors provide individualized instruction in reading, phonics, writing, study skills, elementary and middle school math, Algebra through Calculus, Chemistry, and other sciences. It preps for the SAT and ACT, as well as state and standardized exams. Huntington programs develop the skills, confidence, and motivation to help students of all levels succeed and meet the needs of Common Core State Standards. Founded in 1977, Huntington's mission is to give every student the best education possible. Call us today at 1.800.CAN LEARN to discuss how Huntington can help your child. For franchise opportunities please visit This website does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The material on this site is provided for educational purposes only.